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boundaries(boxsize, level, level_zoom, NPART_zoom, offset_from_code, cut_from_sides, gridscale)


Calculate bounding boxes, fine grid offsets and other quantities useful when dealing with a MUSIC snapshot.


  • The first three arguments must be set to the following parameters from the MUSIC configuration file::

    [boundaries() argument] [parameter from MUSIC .conf] [type] boxsize = boxlength float level = levelmin int level_zoom = levelmax int

With the included MUSIC configuration file, :download:ics.conf <./ics.conf>, the above three arguments take the values: 100.0, 9, 10.

  • NPART_zoom -- list of three integers, giving the size of the fine grid.

  • offset_from_code -- list of three integers, giving the crude-grid index coordinates of the origin of the fine grid.

  • The last two parameters define the COLA volume and the size of the PM grid:

    • cut_from_sides -- a list of two integers, call them :math:a,b. Then, the Lagrangian COLA volume in terms of the indices of the particle displacements arrays, s:sub:i, at level level (the one covering the full box) is given by the following array slice::


    • gridscale -- an integer. Sets the size of the PM grid in each dimension to gridscale times the particle number at level level in that dimension within the COLA volume.


  • BBox_in,offset_zoom,cellsize,cellsize_zoom -- the same as in :func:ic.ic_2lpt but the first two give the bounding box and offset of the refinement region with respect to the COLA volume.

  • offset_index -- a 3-vector of integers. The same as offset_zoom but in units of the crude-particle index.

  • BBox_out -- a 3x2 array of integers. Gives the bounding box at level level that resides in the COLA volume. It equals [[a,2**level-b],[a,2**level-b],[a,2**level-b]] (see the description of the argument cut_from_sides above).

  • BBox_out_zoom -- the same as BBox_out but for the fine particles (as level level_zoom) included in the COLA volume.

  • ngrid_x, ngrid_y, ngrid_z -- integers. The size of the PM grid used in the COLA volume.

  • gridcellsize -- a float. The PM grid spacing in :math:\mathrm{Mpc}/h.

Example: For example usage, see the worked out example in (todo).

Source code in pycola3/
def boundaries(
    boxsize, level, level_zoom, NPART_zoom, offset_from_code, cut_from_sides, gridscale

    Calculate bounding boxes, fine grid offsets and other
    quantities useful when dealing with a MUSIC snapshot.


    * The first three arguments must be set to the following parameters
      from the MUSIC configuration file::

          [boundaries() argument]  [parameter from MUSIC .conf]    [type]
          boxsize                =          boxlength               float
          level                  =          levelmin                  int
          level_zoom             =          levelmax                  int

      With the included MUSIC configuration file, :download:`ics.conf
      <./ics.conf>`, the above three arguments take the values:
      100.0, 9, 10.

    * ``NPART_zoom`` -- list of three integers, giving the size of the
      fine grid.

    * ``offset_from_code`` -- list of three integers, giving the
      crude-grid index coordinates of the origin of the fine grid.

    * The last two parameters define the COLA volume and the size of the PM grid:

        - ``cut_from_sides`` -- a list of two integers, call them :math:`a,b`.
          Then, the Lagrangian COLA volume in terms of the indices of
          the particle displacements arrays, ``s``:sub:`i`, at level ``level``
          (the one covering the full box) is given by the following
          array slice::


        - ``gridscale`` -- an integer. Sets the size of the PM grid in
          each dimension to ``gridscale`` times the particle number at
          level ``level`` in that dimension within the COLA volume.


    * ``BBox_in,offset_zoom,cellsize,cellsize_zoom`` -- the same as in
      :func:`ic.ic_2lpt` but the first two give the bounding box and
      offset of the refinement region with respect to the COLA volume.

    * ``offset_index`` -- a 3-vector of integers. The same as
      ``offset_zoom`` but in units of the crude-particle index.

    * ``BBox_out`` -- a 3x2 array of integers. Gives the bounding box
      at level ``level`` that resides in the COLA volume. It equals
      ``[[a,2**level-b],[a,2**level-b],[a,2**level-b]]`` (see the
      description of the argument ``cut_from_sides`` above).

    * ``BBox_out_zoom`` -- the same as ``BBox_out`` but for the fine
      particles (as level ``level_zoom``) included in the COLA volume.

    * ``ngrid_x, ngrid_y, ngrid_z`` -- integers. The size of the PM
      grid used in the COLA volume.

    * ``gridcellsize`` -- a float. The PM grid spacing in

    **Example**: For example usage, see the worked out example in (todo).

    NPART = (2 ** level, 2 ** level, 2 ** level)
    cellsize = boxsize / 2.0 ** level
    cellsize_zoom = boxsize / 2.0 ** level_zoom
    gridcellsize = (cellsize) / float(gridscale)
    BBox_out = np.array(
            [cut_from_sides[0], NPART[0] - cut_from_sides[1]],
            [cut_from_sides[0], NPART[1] - cut_from_sides[1]],
            [cut_from_sides[0], NPART[2] - cut_from_sides[1]],
    ind0 = [0, 0, 0]
    ind1 = list(NPART_zoom[:])
    for i in range(3):
        if cut_from_sides[0] > offset_from_code[i]:
            ind0[i] = (cut_from_sides[0] - offset_from_code[i]) * 2 ** (
                level_zoom - level
        if (NPART[i] - cut_from_sides[1] - offset_from_code[i]) * 2 ** (
            level_zoom - level
        ) < NPART_zoom[i]:
            ind1[i] = (NPART[i] - cut_from_sides[1] - offset_from_code[i]) * 2 ** (
                level_zoom - level

    BBox_out_zoom = np.array(
        [[ind0[0], ind1[0]], [ind0[1], ind1[1]], [ind0[2], ind1[2]]], dtype="int32"

    # offset index of small sim box relative to large sim box (NOTE: sim, not IC boxes!!!)
    offset_index = (
        np.array(offset_from_code, dtype="int32")
        + BBox_out_zoom[:, 0] // 2 ** (level_zoom - level)
        - BBox_out[:, 0]
    offset_zoom = (
        offset_index * cellsize
        - np.array([cellsize_zoom, cellsize_zoom, cellsize_zoom], dtype="float32") / 2.0

    # bbox of small sim box relative to large sim box in large sim coo
    BBox_in = np.array(
                + (BBox_out_zoom[0, 1] - BBox_out_zoom[0, 0])
                // 2 ** (level_zoom - level),
                + (BBox_out_zoom[1, 1] - BBox_out_zoom[1, 0])
                // 2 ** (level_zoom - level),
                + (BBox_out_zoom[2, 1] - BBox_out_zoom[2, 0])
                // 2 ** (level_zoom - level),
    ngrid_x = (BBox_out[0, 1] - BBox_out[0, 0]) * gridscale
    ngrid_y = (BBox_out[1, 1] - BBox_out[1, 0]) * gridscale
    ngrid_z = (BBox_out[2, 1] - BBox_out[2, 0]) * gridscale
    return (